"Slender Man" Design info ------------------------- I. SUMMARY OF GAME A. First-Person exploration B. No weapons C. Single map: woods with a few abandoned buildings II. GAMEPLAY A. Player 1. Everything shown from first-person view 2. Can walk, crouch, jump and sprint 3. No HUD needed since no stats will be displayed 4. Action key (left mouse button) used only for collecting pages (see Goal, below); no doors or other objects can be manipulated by the player 5. Flashlight key (right mouse button) to illuminate parts of level 5. Stamina is tracked off-screen for sprinting; running out of stamina prevents spriting for a while 6. Sprinting also gradually reduces maximum stamina 7. Sanity is tracked off-screen for encounters with the enemy (see Enemy, below) B. Goal: Collect all manuscript pages 1. Pages are scattered randomly each time new game is started 2. Pre-set locations for pages, enough so that memorizing locations is not a convenient strategy 3. No danger until first page is "collected" (see Enemy, below) 4. As each page is collected, modifies enemy range and movement 5. When all pages are collected, game ends in victory C. Enemy: Slender Man 1. No enemy until first page is collected (see Goal, above), or until player gets within short range of a page and then leaves that range again; enemy is added if either of these happen 2. Enemy has a maximum distance from the player and will teleport within range if outside of it 3. Enemy will roam randomly at a slow speed, seeking player 4. As each page is collected, speed increases slightly and maximum distance decreases 5. If player is facing direction of enemy (even through walls), enemy will not move 6. If player is facing direction of enemy but cannot see it, enemy has a chance to teleport to a random location within maximum distance that player is not facing 7. If player can see enemy, sanity goes down by a function proportional to how close the enemy is to the center of the player's view and inversely proportional to the distance between the enemy and the player (i.e., the more directly the player views it and the closer it is, the faster sanity will drain) 8. Sanity recovers gradually whenever enemy is not visible 9. If sanity drops to zero, the player loses the game 10. If enemy is spotted, enemy is flagged in pursuit mode but will not resume movement until it is no longer being seen 11. If enemy is in pursuit mode and not being seen, speed will double and it will move towards the player 12. If enemy is in pursuit mode and it cannot see the player, it moves to the last place that the player was seen, and will resume pursuit if player is seen again 13. If enemy is in pursuit mode and has reached the last known location of the player, and it still cannot see the player, it leaves pursuit mode and returns to normal behavior 14. If the enemy comes in contact with the player, the player loses the game III. GRAPHICS A. Fog prevents viewing anything beyond a certain range (should be just larger than maximum distance of enemy (see Enemy, above) B. Lighting is dusk/night, primary light source will be player's flashlight (see Player, above) C. Visual distortion will relay sanity level to player (see Player and Enemy, above); intensity of distortion is inversely proportional to sanity level IV. SOUND A. General 1. Ambient sounds of woods (outdoors) or structure settling (indoors) 2. Footsteps on different types of terrain (leaves/grass, dirt, wood, etc.) B. Gameplay 1. Paper rustle for collecting pages (see Goal, above) 2. Panting will relay stamina level to player (see Player, above); intensity of panting is inversely proportional to staminal level and starts at half maximum stamina 3. Enemy makes no sound 4. Static/distortion that matches intensity of visual distortion (see Graphics, above) C. Music 1. No music until first page is collected (see Goal, above) 2. Ambient track increases in intensity as each page is collected